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What customers think

“Madalina has been an absolute delight, and to be perfectly frank, a godsend for me...
...You have someone coming into your home, they've got your keys, so I wanted somewhere secure, where you could go on and look at the individuals...
…I would be devastated if Madalina and TidyChoice were not there for me on a weekly basis.”
“Adriana is a fantastic cleaner, hard-working, gets the job done, always has a smile on her face...
...We don’t have to worry about getting money out of the ATM and leaving it on the counter for our cleaner. It is all done via electronic payment, via the internet which makes things easier...
...Through TidyChoice you know exactly off-the- bat that the person you are going to have is approved and they are going to do the job well.”
“I have direct contact with the housekeeper and that to me is why TidyChoice is so appealing. I dont like agencies...
...The background check makes a difference, knowing that they are vetted and knowing that your financial relationship with them is managed...
...How do you find the right person where you can just have the one on one relationship and that is where TidyChoice makes the difference.”